Believers who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.
1. Guided by Lead Team
The Lead Team consists of the Senior Pastor, Associate Pastors, and other leaders chosen by the Senior Pastor. The Lead Team meets on a weekly basis to discuss the health of the church and to pray over the church. They focus on evaluating the church’s effectiveness in fulfilling the Great Commission that Christ gave the church and look for ways to improve it. They are here to help Victory Church be all that God intended for it to be.
2. Protected by Overseers
The Overseers are Pastors and Ministers of respected Churches who love Victory Church and its Senior Pastor and are willing to provide counsel, oversight, and spiritual protection to the church. They provide financial and moral accountability, set the Senior Pastor’s salary, and oversee the finances of the church.
3. Strengthened by Association
Victory Church is a member of the Association of Related Churches, or ARC. The mission of the ARC is to plant and support life-giving churches all over the world. Victory Church gives monthly financial support to the ARC. 100% of our giving to the ARC goes toward church planting.